Sunday, May 9, 2010

Canyon Adventures

We decided to go for a ride up the canyon since Josh came up with his bike. We made it all the way to the Bear Lake lookout and I only turned half way into an icicle by the time we got home.

This is Rick's Spring. It is just a little spring that comes up from the ground from the Logan River. It is really pretty.

These were some caves we found by Rick's Spring. They went in about 30 feet and branched off into little pockets, but unfortunately none of them led to the Rainbow Room :(

Bear Lake lookout! If I look a little cold it's because I am.

This was a pretty cool picture. It is Andy's favorite one.

And here is a picture of Bear Lake!!


  1. Fun! Logan Canyon is beautiful. You need to go on a picnic to Tony Grove Lake. Maybe even a hike. Also, there is a beach at the North end of Bear Lake. Mom and I had a good time their many moons ago.

  2. I've wanted to go up to Tony Grove for a while now.

  3. Those pictures made me thankful for my 80 degree weather.

  4. Ask Mom what she remembers about Bear Lake?
