Sunday, May 9, 2010

Baby Shower

Here are some pictures from Zoey's baby shower. The first one is my favorite since I learned how to make a pound cake and it just looks so darn good!!!! We did not end up eating it at the shower though because there was so much other tasty food!!

Becca and baby Zoey

The next three pictures just go to show that you can't get through a day without getting a dorky picture from Alix!!! They are very cute though lol ;)

She finally gave me a semi-normal smile :)

I thought I would find these two near the food!

And this one was just hanging around looking for a handout

Looks like she found one :)


  1. Did you tell everybody to wear pink or chartruse?

  2. Nope. It was a girl baby shower though so what did you expect :)

  3. Excuse me, are you calling my daughter dorky? It's not her fault you can't get a decent smile from her. Maybe you should be quicker with the camera :) And good call finding me by the food, where else would I be? Have you seen the size of my belly lately lol

  4. I'm not sure what I miss most, the food or the company (although I think I'm leaning towards the former).

  5. how rude :P and yes, I am calling your daughter dorky. Like mother like daughter, right?? ;)

  6. wow. i totally didnt even realize everyone wore pink....weird. haha awe jess were so cute :) good cake kellie

  7. There is beauty all around when there's love at home . . .

  8. Hey, not everybody wore pink, I was in black... ;)
