Sunday, May 22, 2011

Catch-up, crafts, and trapped

You'd think after waiting 6 months to post I would have something good to share, and I do, but it's at the end. We're going to go through Christmas and end up at today, in my house, downstairs, where I am trapped until Andy gets home.

This is our beautiful Christmas tree :)

Andy was super excited about his tools that we got during black Friday. He waited very (im)patiently for a whole month

And this is me with my silhouette!! I also waited very impatienly, but it didn't arrive until the day before Christmas so I didn't really have a choice.

This was sometime between Christmas and Valentine's Day. I just think it's a funny picture lol ;)


My super sweet husband had this waiting for me for Valentine's Day when I got home from work :)

This was the silly poster I made for him.

Our little Easter basket!!

Andy wouldn't let me get a good Easter picture, so that's the best I've got

Alema's quilt

Andy has been gone to North Dakota for almost two weeks now for work. I work during the week so I wasn't too bored or lonely, but I had a lot of time on my hands this weekend and I made all these projects lol :)

grocery bag holder

Cork Board

Picture holders

Little wood board I pulled out of the cork board frame

Cute little mouse pad :)

The next pictures are why I'm stuck downstairs until Andy comes home

This is our fish tank. We had four fish, five ghost shrimp and three little crabs. I noticed a couple days ago that I couldn't find all the shrimp and crabs and the tank wasn't staying as clean as usual. I went in for a closer look and...

There is one crab....

And I'm fairly certain there are the other two.....

So this is my bed for the next couple of days :P


  1. Thanks for the update since the last time. Zoey certainly got an eye full as well as a dance lesson. I especially liked the crab story . . and I do believe it is true! Where did the crabs turn up? Keep on blogging . . .

  2. thanks for that lovely picture kellie! i will get revenge ;) and i'm sorry your stuck on the couch! at least it's only for a couple days instead of the full 2 weeks :)

  3. Yeah I'm back in the bed now. The crab under the cup is dead and I shoved all the clothes on Andy's side so he can find the other two dead ones lol :)
